Hong Kong Style French Toast

My hands-down favorite dessert to order at Hong Kong cafes growing up was Hong Kong Style French Toast (西吐司). Unlike traditional French toast, this classic Western-inspired recipe is made with thick fluffy bread slides and peanut butter (or sweetened condensed milk) sandwiched in the middle!

You know how people say weird things like “I love you like a fat kid loves chocolate cake”? Don’t get me wrong: chocolate cake is pretty darn amazing. This year, though, I’m petitioning the Global Committee of Overused Catchphrases to update this (terribly outdated and somewhat unsavory) simile to something a little more fun. Something … Read more

Classy Overnight Blueberry French Toast

Blueberry Hawaiian Sweet Bread Toast 1--012713

Every once in a while, something happens in our lives that makes us put the gear in park, turn off the ignition, and just wonder.

Blueberry Hawaiian Sweet Bread Toast 2--012713

I consider myself a fairly happy-go-lucky person. I am, after all, a hybrid donut and crepe type on my Breakfast Breakdown of Personality Types. That’s not my gushing description when I step into the interview room, but gloomy funks and I don’t mix-‘n-match well. For better or for worse, I am no Eeyore.

Blueberry Hawaiian Sweet Bread Toast 4--012713

Without getting into too much detail here–the story is long, weighty, and (only for the purposes of my musings here, though … Read more