The Best Blondies for #SundaySupper

Quick Etsy shop announcement: this month’s new featured item is my Coconut Rum White Chocolate Blondie: perfect for pre-holiday season gifting! If you’re looking for other thoughtful gifts, you can browse my whole selection and learn more about the shop’s history here!

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It’s clear what kind of a spinster I will be: not an old batty cat lady (I’m allergic to cats), but a decrepit little woman who bakes Coconut Rum Blondies at 4 AM after finishing a terrible Ginnifer Goodwin rom-com alone on my couch.

On the bright side, there are worse things. For example, I could … Read more

The Writing Process Blog Tour on #wallflourgirl

Writing Process Blog Tour 1Okay. So this isn’t a chocolate post. This isn’t a cookie post, and I’m sorry for that. This isn’t even a no-bake vegan salted chocolate chunk oat bars made from heaven post, though my hand is crammed into a bowl of them as I type.

This is a writing post and I am dancing a little jig around my computer because I love lurve love talking about writing. It may be one of my favorite things in the world after eating peanut butter from the jar with a spoon while binge watching Sailor Moon episodes like I’ve been doing for Read more